The 1998 US Embassy Bomb in Nairobi, Kenya Mushenee

(8 Aug 1998) The 1998 US Embassy Bomb in Nairobi, Kenya
Nairobi, Kenya – 7 August, 1998
Wide shot of helicopter flying between buildings
Collapsed Ufundi Cooperative building in front of US Embassy
Various of people trying to clear rubble
American flag draped over fence at embassy and pan to crowds
U-S Marine guard with pistol ready
Injured man carried past front of embassy and pan up to broken glass on embassy facade
Various of plainclothes guards with shotguns outside embassy
SOUNDBITE: (English) Christopher Howes, Computer Systems Manager at US Embassy, injured in blast
“There was a bomb blast round the back of the embassy I believe.”
Q: So was there anyone injured inside the embassy?
A: “Oh yeah, I haven’t got any idea — I haven’t got any numbers or names of any injuries or casualties, but there were plenty of ’em.”
Kenyan police move cars, people away from bomb site
Still photo of Prudence Bushnell, the U-S ambassador to Kenya
Pan from dead bodies to people climbing on rubble in search of victims
Mid shot of people carrying out an injured man
Wide shot of smoking buildings
Men carry unconscious man down rubble
Marine guard outside embassy ordering people to move
People jump through broken windows looking for injured
Injured foreign businessman after blast
Wide shot of street with smoke and fire and people running
Injured woman carried by a group of men
Three shot of bloodied people sitting on curb
Bloodied pregnant woman weeping
Wide shot of people climbing over rubble, throwing paper
Firemen fighting fire with weak water supply
Wide shot of smoking buildings
Red Cross truck
Various of truck cabin stacked with bodies
Wide shot of hospital exterior
Various of injured being treated
Nairobi, Kenya – 8 August 1998
Wide shot clean up operation
Various of clean up
Various of FBI investigators on the scene
US Embassy with guards
VS mannequins lying on pavement by shattered glass
11. People gathered outside Hospital Kenyatta reading list of the injured
12. Close up list

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